Wednesday, September 9, 2009

5 Months and Counting!

It's hard to believe that Madeline is just 5 months old. Some days it feels like it should be longer than that, other days it feels like it was just yesterday! My how she has grown since she was born, click back to see some of those first pictures!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

From a Delta Pilot

Check out this link,, it is a wonderful story. I heard it read on the Neal Boortz radio show a few weeks ago and I finally found it today. Take the time to read it, it will at least wet your eyes.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Madeline's first time eating "real" food!

We decided last week that it was time to start Madeline on solid food since she was not filling up after 4oz of breastmilk/formula. We felt that it was best to start it at night, to help her sleep through the worked pretty good last night. Madeline started to figure out the spoon thing pretty quickly, even though she just wanted to eat the Bumbi she was sitting in! Here's some pictures from last night:

Near the end, she was getting a little fussy...and she wanted to eat the food from the you can see!

cool Jesus picture

cool Jesus picture